Hygiene concept Hotel Bergheim41 and the coffee culture shop Bergheim41
At all times our guidelines are in tune with governmental regulations and laws.
All provisions are implemented accordingly
Prior hotel and café visits
In order to stay with us or visit our coffee culture, you currently need:
- Disinfection of hands, automated dispensers are located in the public areas
Test facilities are within walking distance of the hotel.
General hygiene rules
- The required interconnection distance of at least 1.5 m must be maintained at all times.
- Please wash and or disinfect your hands regularly
- Also pay attention to the sneeze/cough etiquette
- Disinfection dispensers are available throughout the hotel and café area
- Doors have been converted for touchless opening
- Our dishwasher is equipped with thermal disinfection, with results, that after each washing cycle no viruses are present.
Your hosts
- All employees in our hotel are trained with the current hygiene standards and are regularly tested weekly.
- Employees are required to inform you preventively with the current rules and regulations.
- We do everything to protect you and expect the same from our guests
At the reception – check-in / check-out
- You will receive a disinfected room card upon check in as a room key.
- Contactless payment terminal is available and is disinfected after each use.
- Contactless check-out is possible, we will need your payment method information in advance please.
- invoices can be sent by e-mail if requested
- Writing utensils are disinfected after each use
In coffee culture
- The maintenance of our HVAC is regularly enhanced and provides continuous ventilation . Seating is also available at our outdoor terrace in front of the Bergheim41 coffee culture.
- We pay attention to a distance of at least 1.5m when seating families and individuals who do not travelling together or those who are not allowed to sit together
- We regularly disinfect the table and chair surfaces
At breakfast
- We are pleased to reserve seats for breakfast in order to enable a relaxed experience, especially on the weekends.
- Our breakfast buffet is self-service. Please always wear a mouthguard as soon as you get up from your table.
- Egg dishes are prepared are freshly prepared
- The outdoor terrace is also open for your breakfast.
- Inserts are exchanged regularly
- Tables are cleaned and disinfected after each guest
In the hotel room
- The maintenance of HVAC system is regularly enhanced.
- In all rooms windows can be opened
- We have reduced the displays in the rooms, such as newspapers, magazines to a minimum and decorative pillows, flowers, etc. as well.
- After each guest departure reinforced cleaning and disinfection standards are mandatory
- Upon arrival you will receive a freshly disinfected room card
Back office coffee culture and reception
- the number of employees in an area is reduced to a minimum,
- the hygiene measures, hand hygiene, etc. have been extended and an enhanced HACCP concept is in place.
- The contents are trained regularly and are documented accordingly
Suppliers / External companies
- All suppliers/external companies are required to comply with the hygiene measures in our company and are checked by us continuously
- Parcel acceptance by delivery services is exclusively contactless
House and building technology
The water quality and Legionella pollution are regularly checked.
Our HVAC systems is checked continuously to provide a pleasant and safe environment.